Ways To Go Green
Here are some ways to go green: 1.Save Energy to save money. a)Switch OFF the bulbs or fans when not in use. b)Switch OFF T.V. before going to bed everyday. Don't keep it in stand-by mode. 2.Save water to save money. a)Can be done easily. b)Use buckets instead of shower(In India) c)This minimizes your water bill. 3.Use less fuel for daily work. a)Walk for shorter distances. b)Use less LPG in kitchens. c) Get your vehicles serviced at time. This saves fuel and money both. 4.Eat Smart a)Buy locally grown food. b)Try being vegetarian. This works. 5.Recycle the electronics goods a)Recycle the mobile phones. b)Give your old computer for recycling. c)Give every electronic gadget for recycling to keep environment clean. 6.Minimize the usage of poly bags