
Showing posts from March, 2013

Saved 1400 poly bags and counting

I started the mission to not to use plastic bags or poly bags in 2009. So per day average is 4. This is what I notice when people go to markets they do not carry anything with them like jute or cloth bags. And when they purchase even a very small thing , they ask shopkeepers for a poly bags. And this is the story of educated class in India. Think about people who are not much educated and still use poly bags. This is very sad that having known in advance what are all the disadvantages of polythene , people use it blindly. I started not to use polythene mission in 2009 with few of my friends.  So if I take an average of 4 poly bags per day then in 4 years and 2 months I saved close to 1500 poly bags. Believe me if you keep these many poly bags in your home you will not feel good. What I do is, there are rare times when I have to take poly bags. In this case I do two things   1. I reuse this poly bag for as many times as possible   2. I return the poly ...